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Mongo DB

开源 NoSQL ,文档型数据库,以 Json 的文档模型储存数据,非常灵活,底层采用 bson 节约空间。



命令行客户端 Mongo Shell:

启动 MongoDB

运行 bin 下的 mongod

mongod --dbpath /path/to/dbdata
mongod --dbpath /Users/mac/Documents/app/mongodb-macos-x86_64-7.0.14/data

使用 MongoDB Shell 进行增删改查


运行 mongo shell ,运行 bin 文件夹下的


MongoDB 的 collection 为数据表/数据集合,相当于 SQL 的 table。 document 文档,相当于 row。 field 数据字段,相当于 column

use 命令可以使用 database,如果不存在则创建

test> use item
switched to db item

insertOne 可以向 collection 中插入一条数据,MongoDB 会自动生成 primary key

item> db.items.insertOne({"id": 1, "price": 1.2, "quantity": 1})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448')


item> var item2 = {"id": 2, "price": 9.9, "quantity": 12}

item> db.items.insertOne(item2)
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('66e1711c6a1879410cf28449')

insertMany 可以向 collection 中插入一条数据,MongoDB 会自动生成 primary key

item> db.items.insertMany([{"id": 3, "price": 10, "quantity": 34},{"id": 4, "price": 8.0, "quantity": 3}])
acknowledged: true,
insertedIds: {
'0': ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
'1': ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b')

find 方法可以查找最多 20 条数据

item> db.items.find()
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1
_id: ObjectId('66e1711c6a1879410cf28449'),
id: 2,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 12
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3

find 传入一个对象,可以进行过滤

item> db.items.find({"price":8})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3

findOne 查找单条数据,即使有多条也只返回 1 条

_id 作为 key ,可以不用引号

item> db.items.findOne({_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b')})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3

sort 可以进行排序,1 为生序,-1 为降序

item> db.items.find().sort({"price":1})
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3
_id: ObjectId('66e1711c6a1879410cf28449'),
id: 2,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 12
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34

limit 可以限制输出数量, count 可以计数

item> db.items.find().limit(2)
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1
_id: ObjectId('66e1711c6a1879410cf28449'),
id: 2,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 12
item> db.items.find().limit(2).count()

document 的值可以是一个 nested document,也可以是数组

item> db.items.insertOne({"id": 5, "price": 9.9, "quantity": 1, tags: ["green", "cheap"]})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c')
item> db.items.insertOne({"id": 6, "price": 10, "quantity": 12, tags: ["expensive", "red"], size: { h: 22, w: 13}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('66e173276a1879410cf2844d')
item> db.items.insertOne({"id": 7, "price": 1.2, "quantity": 1, tags: ["green"], size: { h: 28, w: 13}, "review":[{name:"jeff", content:"good"},{name:"mary", content:"so so"}]})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('66e173996a1879410cf2844f')

范围查询,gt 大于,gte 大于等于,lt 小于,lte 小于等于

item> db.items.find({"quantity":{"$gt":12}})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34
item> db.items.find({"price":{"$lte":1.2}})
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1
_id: ObjectId('66e173996a1879410cf2844f'),
id: 7,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green' ],
size: { h: 28, w: 13 },
review: [
{ name: 'jeff', content: 'good' },
{ name: 'mary', content: 'so so' }


item> db.items.find({"price": 1.2, "quantity": 1})
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1
_id: ObjectId('66e173996a1879410cf2844f'),
id: 7,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green' ],
size: { h: 28, w: 13 },
review: [
{ name: 'jeff', content: 'good' },
{ name: 'mary', content: 'so so' }

可以用 $or 进行 “或” 查询,传入数组,查询出满足里面任意条件的结果

item> db.items.find({"$or":[{"price":8},{"quantity":34}]})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3

$in 可以查找在给定集合中的数据,nin 可以查询不在集合中的数据

item> db.items.find({"quantity":{"$in":[3,34]}})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3
item> db.items.find({"quantity":{"$nin":[1,12]}})
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844a'),
id: 3,
price: 10,
quantity: 34
_id: ObjectId('66e171866a1879410cf2844b'),
id: 4,
price: 8,
quantity: 3


item> db.items.find({"tags":"green"})
_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c'),
id: 5,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green', 'cheap' ]
_id: ObjectId('66e173996a1879410cf2844f'),
id: 7,
price: 1.2,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green' ],
size: { h: 28, w: 13 },
review: [
{ name: 'jeff', content: 'good' },
{ name: 'mary', content: 'so so' }
item> db.items.find({"tags":["green","cheap"]})
_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c'),
id: 5,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green', 'cheap' ]

$all 可以查询包含这些元素的数据,不考虑顺序

item> db.items.find({"tags":{"$all":["cheap","green"]}})
_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c'),
id: 5,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'green', 'cheap' ]

查找 nested document

item> db.items.find({"size.h":22})
_id: ObjectId('66e173276a1879410cf2844d'),
id: 6,
price: 10,
quantity: 12,
tags: [ 'expensive', 'red' ],
size: { h: 22, w: 13 }


deleteOne 可以删除单条数据,通常使用 primary key 删除

item> db.items.deleteOne({_id:ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448')})
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }

deleteMany 可以删除多条数据

item> db.items.deleteMany({"price":9.9})
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 2 }


updateOne 可以更新一条数据,传入 2 个参数,第 1 个参数为数据的条件,第 2 个参数为要更新的操作。$set 可以用于设置新值

item> db.items.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448')},{$set: {price: 3.3, quantity: 2}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0
item> db.items.findOne({_id:ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448')})
_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448'),
id: 1,
price: 3.3,
quantity: 2

updateMany 可以更新多个元素

item> db.items.updateMany({price: 1.2}, {"$set": {quantity: 0}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 2,
modifiedCount: 2,
upsertedCount: 0

$inc 可以用于自增,传入自增的 key 和增加的值

item> db.items.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('66e170966a1879410cf28448')},{$inc: {quantity: 2}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0

$pull 可以用从数组中删除元素,$push 可以插入元素,配合 $each 可以插入多个元素

item> db.items.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c')},{$pull: {tags: "green"}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0
item> db.items.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c')},{$push: {tags: "blue"}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0
item> db.items.updateOne({_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c')},{$push: {tags: {$each:["green", "yello"]}}})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0
item> db.items.findOne({_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c')})
_id: ObjectId('66e172ed6a1879410cf2844c'),
id: 5,
price: 9.9,
quantity: 1,
tags: [ 'cheap', 'blue', 'green', 'yello' ]